We provide the most optimized study environment for our students to
maximize their performance and minimize their stress and prevent
any disturbance to enhance concentration.


  • Wireless connection with
    24 Hour Study Manager and
    wearable devices
  • Process input signals and
    optimize device settings
  • Facial recognition
  • Emotion and stress detection
  • Personalized light level / temperature
  • AR projection for immersive learning
  • Recognize study hours and body posture
  • Posture correction for students
  • Alarm the user with vibration
  • Ergonomically optimize desk height
  • Wireless communication with
    24 Hour Study Manager
  • Face recognition with emotion/
    stress indicator
  • Light, ambient noise optimization
  • Body posture correction
  • Projection AR for immersive learning

Our Igloo capsule realizes the optimized space for students according to their psych profile, and A.I. based insights.
With the capsule’s IoT function and features, students will experience the best offline environment,
projecting the most appropriate online content for maximal studying experience.

24 Hour
Study Manager

A.I. based study manager assists students 24/7.
It provides personalized online management and
optimized learning content

A.I. Assistant

Our mobile-centered A.I. generates 24-hour schedule
for students that maximizes performance and health.
Also, the AI guides and launches related content or
service both within online and offline space

  • Multi-device compatibility
  • Personalized time management
  • Optimized content recommendation
  • 24/7 health, stress monitoring

Our Platform

Study materials, methodology, schedule, and teaching personnel can be personalized to students.
The more users use the platform, more data are gathered that are both direct and indirect through many interactions, sensor channels.
As a result, our platform and system improve with more students, and with more time duration of usage.
The above two systems are our most competitive, unique, and patented technology that sustains the platform.

Our Tech Services

We manage 3 important areas that affect students directly and could significantly change their studying experience. We provide
education with everything that involves it to maximize the potential of the student in order to help achieve the desired study goal.

  • Food Technology We launched a mobile food catering platform to connect caterers and students. Not only nutrition but also the quality of food and taste matters to students because they consider eating as one of their few breaking times in between study sessions.
  • Cleaning Technology As COVID-19 has hit the world and students mainly stay in the same area for a long time, we operate an organized cleaning staff that is managed with a mobile system and strict manual instructions.
  • Safety Technology Our safety tech covers legal and recommended safety guidelines for educational institutes. We integrate IoT technology and safety education program on students so they are not only protected but also intellectually aware of safety.

Our Philosophy

We are AlphaIgloo; We use big data technology, deep learning, and our educational insights to create a safe environment that aims 3 points of value.

  • Mind Our algorithm and system learns more and more about student’s
    learningstyle and preferences so that we can personalize our services
    based on psych profile
  • Intelligence We have the best online educational contents and provide
    optimized contents directly, as well as offline study area that covers
    most favorable 5 senses
  • Body we manage our students’ health with IoT technologies to improve
    body posture, monitor health conditions, and create a safe space for students.

EduTech Market

The Edutech or Edtech(education + technology) market is rapidly growing not only in South Korea where the educational emphasis and market is very big but also all around the world like USA, China, Europe, and Middle East. Technological development involving the 4th industrial revolution is necessarily bound to the educational field because the synergy is big and also thinking pattern of the new
generation fits well with the new innovative approach.

IoT, AI, Big-data can automate a lot of inefficient systems and
processes of education and also improve the quality of
education drastically. Furthermore, we aim to innovate the
very approach of education with our unique on-offline
system, pioneering a wholesome system that knows about
the student thoroughly so that we can provide both online
and offline environment that is accurately optimized.

Our Partners

We have partnership with a private academy network over
South Korea that covers more than 50 franchise academy, and 14,000 students per year.